Strategies For A Calmer Christmas

As we approach the darker months, naturally we want to slow down. Just like other animals, we evolved to conserve our energy over the winter with less light and less food availability.

How To Manage Overwhelm

E-motion is energy in motion. It ebbs and it flows, it comes and it goes, and there is a wonderful art of allowing that. When we encounter situations that are challenging, sometimes with that can come higher levels of stress and anxiety. Having strong emotions about a difficult situation is absolutely okay. We are human.… Continue reading How To Manage Overwhelm

How To Create Strong Boundaries

Saying no to something or someone is simply saying ‘yes’ to ourselves. Creating boundaries is so important. I’m sure you hear people talk about them all the time. However for some, it can feel hard, or even uncomfortable to say them let alone enforce them and stick to them.   It is natural to find… Continue reading How To Create Strong Boundaries

How To Manage Overwhelm

E-motion is energy in motion. It ebbs and it flows, it comes and it goes, and there is a wonderful art of allowing that. When we encounter situations that are challenging, sometimes with that can come higher levels of stress and anxiety. Having strong emotions about a difficult situation is absolutely okay. We are human.… Continue reading How To Manage Overwhelm